The Marquee90 Wardour Street4th June 1976The hot summer of 76 me and Age got the train to London to see the hotest rock band around AC/DC the sweat was poring from the walls, the PA packed up half way through the set after about ten minutes Bon Scott came out and announced that Angus was going to do a guitar solo until they fixed the PA so he climbed onto Bon’s shoulders and walked into the crowd with the crowd holding up the lead he went nuts on his guitar sweat spraying everywhere from his nodding head!At some point after this Age brought a couple of pints of larger which he poured one of them overs his own head and at 50p it was expensive only about 35p at our local!Photo copied from a great website bands 74-87
Kursaal BallroomSouthend29th October 1977Bad start to this gig turned up at the Commodore Pub about 6pm and Mick and Age were already out of their heads, and Mick was driving, after a lot of arguing I decided wasn’t getting in the Car (Mk 1 Cortina).Eventually got a train there AC/DC were already on, saw a couple of numbers while trying to see if Mick and Age had made it! The place was heaving, at some point went outside the Hall probably for a leak and Age and Mick were slumped against the Bar, think they had been ejected from the hall they could hardly stand.I left not long after to get the train home, Age and Mick slept in the Car, when they found it!!