Minim velit, ex velit culpa sed sint ad fugiat, nostrud nulla consequat ipsum ex: Eiusmod veniam culpa. Velit sit ullamco amet est eiusmod amet. Sunt tempor elit. Ad amet, aute minim laboris cupidatat sunt.
Top Alex Southend Shrimpers Club Southend football Ground Queens Hotel Westcliff 1976/77 My memories of some Bosch gigs saw them at least two or three times at The Shrimpers Club one time when Steve Whates was wound up even more then usual about playing Bass for Bosch so not only was he throwing beer glasses at Julian when the gig was over he went in the bands dressing room/toilet and put his fist into a mirror another trip to Southend Hospital (see Top Alex memories) all I remember in the Hospital was Steve coming from a room shouting no fucking Doctors putting anything in my bum, a few days later he had lock jaw! Then there was the time when Steve went to score some hash and came back with some tobacco soaked in hash oil a couple of joint’s later and we were out of it, remember buying a round and passing the drinks to mates and nobody moving the glasses just dropped to the floor I did this two or three times, then waking up in my Car in the morning in Southend's car park with a market going on! Queens Hotel remember there being loads of seats like school and good three hundred people sitting watching, but there was about ten of us going mad stage right I think for once Steve wasn't throwing any beer glasses at Julian, the band were on blistering form Steve dressed in his doctors outfit (Under The Knife) jumping from the stage with a machete swinging around his head, no health and safety in them days! Also have a vague memory of going to Crocs/Pink Tooth Brush to see them but we either didn't get in or were thrown out before the band played. Steve Whates memories of a night in the Top Alex I started knocking about with some old school friends, one of them being Rob Jarvis. There was a nucleus of about half a dozen of us; we used to pool our wages together and party more or less non-stop. We used to get to as many local gigs together as we could. Ian, one of the guitarists from Kashmir, had joined a band from Benfleet called Heronymous Bosch (later to be shortened to just Bosch) who had quite a good following. We tried to get to as many of their gigs as we could. It was complete madness. There was sometimes as many as eight of us traveling in Rob's escort. The band were absolute lunatics. I used to think that if I nobbled the bass player - I'd get the job, so we used to spend all night throwing beer glasses at him. (Sorry Julian) There was one night at the Top Alex in Southend when it really got out of hand. The drummer Ashleigh had mentioned over the mike that he was too warm, so we started running backwards and forwards to the dressing room with pots full of water and throwing them over him. The stage was absolutely covered in water, how no-one got a shock I'll never know. Ashleigh went off stage to get changed and stepped on some broken glass. We rushed him to hospital in Rob's escort. I've never been so scared in all my life. Rob backed into one car, and hit another pulling out. We must have been doing 60mph down back streets, and not slowing down or stopping at junctions with main roads or red lights. Its just as well he was driving I suppose, 'cause he'd never have been able to walk in his state! My memories (Rob), when we got to the Hospital I remember seeing the Emergency Dept but not the entrance so I just bounced over the pavement and grass verge!
Ash “Laughing Gravy” 27 Aug 12 ASh and Rick Ash, Steve and ? H Bosh Shrippers Club Bosch Shrippers H Bosch seevic collage ash first gig H Bosch Shrimpers club fire! H Bosch with Brad Trower H Bosch with Brad Trower H Bosch Zero 6 Ian Ian Ian, Rick Julian and Steve on Drums Julian, Ian and Rick Rick Rick Rick Brad and Rick Steve Steve and Julian Steve and Julian Steve Ash Ash sawed the Hammond in two in his living room while Stef did all the electrics, what stars they woz! Ash Ash Brad Ash Jukian, Ian and Rick Ian Ian Julian and Steve "Under The Knife" Ian Julian Julian Julian Julian Top Alex Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve Steve “Laughing Gravy” 27 Aug 12
Click on image to enlarge
H Bosch Steve Queens 1977
Steve Heath’s memories of a night with the Bosch crew here
You can listen to four tracks I found on and old C60 tape hence the bad sound, tracks, “Blue Baby Blues”, “Marital Bliss”, “Serial World” and “Under The Knife”
Steve Heath - Vocals Rick Birmingham - Keyboards Ashley Gough - Drums Julian Bacon - Bass
Guitarist’s Various times Ian Clifton Brad Trower Richard Taylor
Thanks to Julian for photos and newspaper clippings, more photos on his FB page You can listen to more tunes from back in the day on Steve’s and Julian’s Soundcloud A/C’s
Check out what else Steve Whates got upto click on photo