Radio Caroline The Station that moulded my musical taste for good part of the 70’s listened a bit in the 80’s mostly if I was in the car, also started listening again in the mid 00’s when I moved to Spain on the Internet, click on logo above for website.Podcast’s of most Shows can be found hereFor old recordings visit History (Horizon Magazine)1971 sadly silent1972 - Against all the odds Caroline returns off dutch coast but mast collapses1973 Mi Amigos 2nd Mast collapses1974 Dutch act closes RNI, Atlantis & Veronica. Caroline returns on 259 off UK1975 staff prosecutions and ship breaks anchor, police board1976 anchor breaks crew abandon ship1977 ship almost sinks back on 319 metres1978 silent due to supply problems and loss of Radio Mi Amigo1979 Mi Amigo nearly sinks again but saved by Peter Chicago1980 2 0 March Mi Amigo sadly sinks
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All these Images are from a book about Radio Caroline you can find Here